Friends of Ryebank Fields film night 

Screening of the award-winning film Finite: the Climate of Change
Sat 18th Nov, 7.30pm
Chorlton Methodist Church, 12 Manchester Road, M21 9JG
Tickets are going fast…if you’d like one you’ll need to register via this link:
The extremely popular ‘Ryebank Fields Calendar’ is back

Fabulous images of this much loved urban green space captured through the lens of Jay Clarke.
Still a few last calendars remaining at Chorlton Bookshop!
All proceeds supporting the ‘Save Ryebank Fields Campaign’.
WHAT CAN YOU DO TO SAVE RYEBANK FIELDS? Click here for suggestions.
Following their consultation in February 2023, the developer team was expected to carry out technical surveys (ecology, highways, geotechnical etc) and then make further changes to their proposals, with a second stage consultation expected end of summer or autumn 2023. They had hoped to then submit a full Planning Application to Manchester City Council this winter 2023. At that point there would be an opportunity for anyone to make an objection to the planning application as part of the formal planning process. However to date we are not aware of any progress on any of these matters.
The Developer’s Consultation Website is here: please visit to examine their exisitng plans, comment and sign up to their email list to be included in their updates. Watch this space for updates, comments, suggested questions to the developers. Please look at out both the FAQs and Responding to Consultation tabs.
Beautiful Ryebank – slideshow
Ryebank photos by kind permission of Jay Clarke
Why we need to save Ryebank Fields:
Ryebank Fields is a 4.6 hectare patch of open green space on the border of Chorlton and Stretford in South Manchester. It was gifted by Manchester City Council to Manchester Polytechnic (now Manchester Metropolitan University) for use as playing fields. The University abandoned the fields in 1996, since when the land has re-wilded itself into a mosaic of natural habitats. It is a fantastic green area accessible to all and a well used and loved Community asset. The fields are home to over 1400 trees and countless birds, bats, mammals and insects, as well as providing invaluable food and shelter for pollinators. They also act as a carbon sink and natural floodplain and combat air pollution in this densely populated urban area which is bordered by a local school.
Currently Ryebank Fields is under threat of development from Manchester Metropolitan University who are in the process of selling the fields to property developers. A development framework was adopted by Manchester City Council with proposals for 120 houses. Subsequently, MMU commissioned a number of reports as part of the process of selling the site to a developer.
As part of the campaign to Save Ryebank Fields, the Friends of Ryebank Fields (FORF) group was established in 2018 with the express aim of opposing any development of the site. FORF are continuing to commission reports which challenge statements in the MMU reports, and have employed a planning consultant on how best to oppose any planning application which may eventually be brought forward. These have been funded by donations and crowdfunding.
Meanwhile, FORF continue to promote the attractions of the site, for example through events and activities on site, publishing video interviews with locals and a series of stunning photographs capturing the natural beauty on its Facebook page. It has also generated a series of press stories, with the Manchester Evening News now taking an interest – see the Media tab.
If you would like to support FORF, please sign the petition, sign up to our email list – and if you are able, support our JustGiving appeal