Ryebank social and music night!
Some lovely members of our community have got together to put on a night of live music, DJing and spoken word in support of the campaign to Save Ryebank Fields. Come for the performances, hang out with fellow campaigners and help keep the Fields free! Entry will be free, with recommended donations to the Friends of Ryebank Fields fundraiser. All money raised will go to FORF to help us pay for planning expertise, commission reports and produce publicity materials to engage more people with the campaign.
The event will be on Thurs 24th August at the Carlton Club, 7-11pm. Details here:
Whether you’re able to attend or not, please do share the event details with friends / family / colleagues / networks / social media – it would be great to get lots of people down to connect, engage with the campaign and help raise funds.
Local Green Space
While we await the arrival of the new Local Plan from Manchester City Council, we are continuing to pursue Designated Local Green Space for Ryebank Fields (many of you will remember that Manchester City Council confirmed in their 2020 consultation feedback that this was the “single biggest message” that the public gave in the MCC consultation).
Flooding / traffic issues
Please do continue to send us statements and images if you are resident near the fields and experience issues with either traffic (inconsiderate parking / difficulty in accessing or getting out from your house / safety issues including for cyclists and pedestrians etc) or flooding. It is really helpful in allowing us to compile a report that can form part of the evidence to oppose a future planning application. If sending us information about flooding, please let us know if it is ok to include your name and address in our report, otherwise we will assume you wish to be anonymous.
New signage
Watch this space for our new banner coming soon to the Chorlton entrance!
Ongoing ways to help the campaign
1. Sign and share the petition – can you help us get to 2,000 signatures?
2. Donate to / share the fundraiser
3. Write to your local councillors, MP and Mayor asking them to help save the Fields from development. This is important in order to show the depth of local support for the Fields. You can find their addresses on the ‘What Can I do?’ tab of this website.
If you’re not sure what to say, we’re going to upload a sample letter to the website in the next few days. Individually written letters have more impact but our template will give you ideas you can customise.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best wishes,
FORF Committee
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